February 28, 2018

An unexpected Moment of Creativity

(n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy
and peace of mind during rainy days.

Do you ever just take a minute for yourself? Like, step away from the hustle and bustle of life to just breath in fresh air, and exhale all the stress that builds up over time? I realized that since the New Year I haven’t done anything like this, not even something simple. So, on a whim, Monday I decided to go on a ‘photo safari’ as my professor in college used to call it, and just photograph for the hell of photographing. Nothing serious, just something calming and relaxing, while also creating in my favorite art-form ever. With my camera in hand, and a couple extra lenses packed away in my bag, and walked through my apartment complex to take some photos of this small little waterfall, creek and fountain they have set up. There have been several days that I’ve drove past the fountain thinking I should go take some photos of it, slow down my shutter and get creative.

Nevertheless, on that rainy, cool Monday afternoon I began photographing the texture of the rocks, the way the water droplets fell, and the shape that water takes. It wasn’t anything crazy exciting, and it definitely wasn’t the Pacific Northwest, or anything. However, every time I look at one of these pictures it looks bigger than it actually is, as if it was a raging ocean that takes no prisoners and can consume anything and everything in it’s path. Maybe it’s just my imagination, or maybe you saw it, too. 😉

Other photographers out there, I encourage you to get out there and photograph what’s around you. Find the excitement in the little things in life, the moments, things and places often forgotten about in our every day. You just might surprise yourself and create something unexpected.


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